Affirmation Health & Fitness


Your Fitness


Flexibility & Mobility 

Flexibility, or what is now more commonly referred to as Mobility, is a major key to your success in improving your health as well as your General Physical Preparedness (GPP) in life. With copious amounts of mobility you body will move better, your joints will last longer, and you will be able to access strength that is, on tap, but has been unavailable previously. Spending the time and effort on this key component will pay huge dividends and is highly prioritized in our programming here at Affirmation health & fitness.   


Nutrition Coaching

The foundation for your success is and will always be determined by the quality of the food you eat on a daily basis. Many people have an understandable apprehension with addressing this challenge because of confusion or false assumption about the complexity or perceived difficulty  of doing it right. At Affirmation health & fitness we will provide you with the necessary information and support to succeed in this where in the past you may have failed. 


Build Strength & Improve Conditioning

At Affirmation health & fitness you will be exposed to world class Gymnastic, Olympic and Power Lifting, and Conditioning progressions some of which you cannot find anywhere else. With a patient and mature approach toward training we can ensure significant and sustainable increases in fitness over a lifetime. 


Up Your Mental Fitness

It is impossible for you to achieve the maximum of your physical potential without the appropriate mindset. Attitude and perspective are everything in life and in fitness. You must learn to think differently if you want a different result. In order to do something you have never done your going to have to become someone you have never been. This is the difference between good and great and it all starts with a decision. 


Try a Class

To sign up for your complementary class just click below,

choose a class that's conducive to your schedule and we will see you soon!
